Saturday, August 2, 2008

How often I should test my Blood sugar?

How often I should test my blood sugar?
All Diabetes patients need to know this.
Usually my answer is, if I have the choice I want to know your blood sugar 24 hrs a day, 7 days a week and 365 days a year. Then only I can be sure that your blood sugar is under control, but I can do that only by CGMS [Continuous Glucose Monitoring System] which is very expensive. So as a compromise, I decide a schedule for testing of Blood sugar. The schedule depends on the type of diabetes, its duration, presence of complications, affordability of the patient etc.
For example, in case of type 1 diabetes patients, I want them to check their blood sugar at least once a day. In many type 1 patients, it is much better if they could check several times a day.

In case of type 2 diabetes, the chances of fluctuation of blood sugar is less, especially if the duration of diabetes is short. So, in such patients I will want them to check their blood sugars at least once a week or if not possible once in 2 weeks.
If the blood sugar values are very high or very low you may need frequent testing till the sugars stabilise.
The easiest method of testing is by Blood glucose meter [Glucometer] at home. This is called SMBG [Self Monitoring of Blood Glucose].
Unfortunately, the practise in India is that type 2 diabetics test their blood sugars only once in a month. Many do it still less often. The less number of tests they do, the poorer the blood sugar control.
Increasing the number of blood sugar measurements is one of the easiest [may be expensive] way of keeping your blood sugar under control.

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